eBook - Disruptive Technologies

eBook - Disruptive Technologies

The integration of advanced technology in architecture teaching and radical projects for the future city

Autori: Auer Thomas, Melis Alessandro, Aimar Fabrizio Mostra di più Mostra meno

Data di pubblicazione: 12/2017

eBook - Disruptive Technologies
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English version
The global crisis, including climate change and the consequent social pressure, suggests that the transformation of the human habitat is happening faster than expected.
Conventional approaches might not therefore, be, sufficient to meet the needs of the future generation, thus, a more radical and explorative approach in design teaching might be relevant.
It depends on the capabilities of the architecture teachers to provide the students with a vision of the needs of the future society rather than simply transferring professional skills at a more pragmatic level.
During the last ten academic years, the authors of this unique publication have developed and carried out several programmes oriented to reinforce such a radical approach. They belong to world leading institutions, such as the Munich Polytechnic, The Universities of Auckland, and Portsmouth, the MIT, the Bartlett which represent the avant-garde in this field.
Those have included lectures the introduction of “disruptive” case studies and advanced digital tools for climate responsiveness.
“Disruptiveness” does not necessarily means advanced and cutting edge technology, but, rather, unconventional use of technology. Accordingly, given the approach aimed at innovation, the disruptive technologies have been presented to students as the emerging innovation in the field.
This e-book intends to examine the aforementioned experiences recorded by world class practitioners such as Thomas Auer/ Transsolar (probably the most influential climate engineering firm), Carlo Ratti (MIT), Marco Poletto/ EcologicStudio, Alessandro Melis (UoP), and Michael Davis (UoA) among others, involved in architecture education as well.
The different chapters will focus on integration between design and technology in architecture studios, on teaching methodologies and on the use of case studies within the technology courses that constitute an impressive compendium of future technologies in architecture.

Versione italiana
La crisi globale, compresi i cambiamenti climatici e la conseguente pressione sociale, suggeriscono che la trasformazione dell'habitat umano stia avvenendo più velocemente di quanto finora previsto.
Gli approcci convenzionali potrebbero, dunque, non essere sufficienti a soddisfare i bisogni delle generazioni future, e pertanto un approccio più radicale e maggiormente esplorativo nell'insegnamento della progettazione architettonica potrebbe essere rilevante.
Ciò discende dalle capacità dei docenti di architettura di fornire agli studenti una nitida visione dei bisogni della società futura, anziché solo trasferire competenze professionali in modo meramente pragmatico.
Durante gli ultimi dieci anni accademici, gli autori di questa innovativa pubblicazione hanno sviluppato e realizzato diversi programmi orientati a rafforzare questo approccio così radicale. Essi appartengono ad Istituzioni leader mondiali in questo campo, come il Politecnico di Monaco (Germania), le Università di Auckland (Nuova Zelanda) e di Portsmouth (Regno Unito), il MIT (USA), la Bartlett (Regno Unito), le quali rappresentano l'avanguardia in questo settore.
Ognuna di esse ha incluso corsi di insegnamento relativi all'introduzione di casi studio "rivoluzionari" e strumenti digitali avanzati per l’analisi climatica.
"Rivoluzionaria" non significa necessariamente tecnologia avanzata e all'avanguardia, ma, piuttosto, un uso non convenzionale della stessa. Di conseguenza, dato l'approccio mirato all'innovazione, le tecnologie più radicali sono state presentate agli studenti come il mutamento emergente nel campo.
Questo testo intende esaminare le esperienze maturate da professionisti di livello mondiale come Thomas Auer / Transsolar (probabilmente la più influente società di ingegneria climatica a livello internazionale), Carlo Ratti (MIT), Marco Poletto / EcologicStudio, Alessandro Melis (UoP) e Michael Davis (UoA) tra gli altri, i quali sono coinvolti, allo stesso tempo, anche nella docenza di architettura.
I diversi capitoli si concentreranno sull'integrazione tra design e tecnologia nei progetti di architettura, sulle metodologie di insegnamento e sull'uso di casi di studio all'interno dei corsi di tecnologia, al fine di esporre uno straordinario compendio delle future tecnologie in architettura.



1. Introduction of disruptive technology in the teaching of environmental design
Thomas Auer, Alessandro Melis, Fabrizio Aimar

2. The integration of advanced technology in live projects studio teaching: the case of Samson Studio at the University of Auckland (2014-2017)
Alessandro Melis, Michael Davis, Esther Mecredy, Bevin Liang
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Part 1: live project pedagogy and the ‘triple-focus’ Auckland model
2.3 Part 2: Introducing sustainable practice within the Samson studio
2.4 Student work
2.5 Part 3: Communicating the Value of Speculative Sustainable Thinking made possible by the live project model
2.6 Problematizing (getting the market to take these speculations seriously)
2.8 Reference list

3. Energy Galleries: a sustainable opportunity for future cities
Fabrizio Aimar, Paola Boarin, Alessandro Melis, Jose Antonio Lara Hernandez
3.1 Introduction to Solar Galleries
3.2 EGH and SC: aims and objectives
3.3 Methodology and Pilot Projects
3.4 Conclusions
3.5 References

4. A Robot for Living in
Carlo Ratti

5. On the origin of the in-human city
Marco Poletto
5.1 The eco-ideology
5.2 The Urbansphere
5.3 Simulating operational fields
5.4 From the Metropolitan Proto-Garden to Aarhus Wet City
5.5 Aarhus Wet City
5.6 Instruments
5.7 Blue - green urban networks
5.8 The co-evolution of natural and manmade networks
5.9 Making it participatory
5.10 Conclusion

6. The sick robots, a nosology of some pathological architectural devices, aiming at emphasising a non-regressive meaning of the technology
Antonino Di Raimo
6.1 Science & Fiction
6.2 Psychical dimensions
6.3 Organising a psychical complex as the base for architecture
6.4 Bibliography

7. Advanced Technology for Urban Mutations: the case of Auckland CBD
Liam Stumbles, Alessandro Melis
7.1 Background
7.2 Aims and objectives of the scenario
7.3 Simulation of scenario
7.4 Methodology
7.5 Conclusion
7.6 Reference list

8. Seoul Urban Shift: The Transformation of Obsolete Infrastructures into Linear Parks
Dario Pedrabissi
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Technology as a country brand
8.3 Naturalising infrastructures
8.4 Final remarks
8.5 References

9. A Three-Stranded Approach to Teaching and Learning Construction Technology: Exploration and Synthesis
Tarek Teba, Martin Andrews, Rachael Brown
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Why Three-Stranded Approach? Theoretical Synthesis
9.3 Three-Stranded Approach: Exploration

10. The potential of remote sensing cartography as a new tool of analysis of the UHI effect to inform the design. Brightness Temperature of the urban surfaces of Auckland from satellite multispectral maps
Alessandro Melis, Olufunto Ijatuyi, Emanuele Lisci
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Background
10.3 Object of research and its relevance: Auckland as an emblematic case study
10.4 Urban Heat Island Effect
10.5 Built surfaces, urban albedo and UHI
10.5.1 Methodology
10.6 Findings and discussion
10.7 Implications for urban policies and conclusion
10.8 Reference list
10.9 Appendix

11. Infrastructure Vision 2050 Building-batteries for a power-plant city
Emanuele Lisci, Alex Figg
11.1 Key infrastructure metric
11.2 Approach to the problem
11.3 Proposal
11.4 Limitation of the current study and further development
11.5 Reference List

12. The Stella Maris Institute in Pisa Significance of an architectural case study in the teaching of technology
Antonino Di Raimo, Paolo Di Nardo
12.1 The importance of the use of case studies in delivering technology courses
12.2 A Case Study: The Stella Maris Institute (Heliopolis 21 - Arx)
12.3 Conclusions
12.4 References

13. Appendix: Samson Brief. Selected Architecture Projects
Curators: Alessandro Melis & Adam Hunt

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